Page 1
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 1 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VI, September 1987
Unfortunately, records kept by clergymen in the Piedmont
from the last century (or even early this century) are a rare
find for genealogists. One of the most geographically
comprehensive records for the Piedmont is that kept by Dr. John
DeWitt McCollough an Episcopal priest who founded most of the
Episcopal churches in the upstate that were established prior to
Rev. McCollough was born December 8, 1822 at Society Hill,
Darlington County, S. C. He came to the upstate when he was
elected principal of the Glenn Spring Academy in January 1848.
That same year he was ordained a deacon. On July 28, 1850, he
was ordained a priest. He spent the rest of his life (with the
exception of his service as a Confederate chaplain) in the
upstate. His death occurred in Walhalla, Oconee County, S. C. on
January 23, 1902. At that time, he was pastor of a mission
congregation there. He is buried at the Church of the Advent,
Spartanburg, S. C. which he founded.
The records presented here are from a small manuscript
volume at the South Caroliniana Library at the University of
South Carolina, Columbia, s. C. entitled "Record of Clerical acts
by Jno. D. McCollough of South Carolina, who was made a Deacon in
the Church of God in Trinity Church, Columbia by the Rt. Rev. C.
E. Gadsden on the 21st day of June A.D. 1848. Presented for
orders by the Rev. P. J. Shands[.]" This volume is 122 pages in
length and covers the years 1848 through 1865 inclusive. If he
kept records for subsequent years, their whereabouts are unknown.
In addition to the records of a genealogical nature presented in
this and future issues, he kept a detailed record of all services
he conducted which is only of use to a biographer. There are
four basic types of records presented here:
Baptisms. In general these were performed before a congre-
gation. However, in emergencies they could be performed in
private. In such a situation, it had to be acknowledged
before the local congregation. McCollough included both
baptisms and receptions in his record.
Confirmations. Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is
performed only by a bishop. This ceremony endows the
recipient with the Holy Spirit and makes them full members
of the church. McCollough lists those whom he presented to
the bishop for confirmation and the location.
Marriages. It is interesting that on several occasions
he violated South Carolina law and married slave couples.
Burials. The Episcopal rite for the burial of the dead is
reserved to baptized Christians "who have not laid violent
hands upon themselves." However, a priest may, when
necessary, conduct a funeral for anyone with a reduction of
ceremonies. This is an "informal" burial. Dr. McCollough
recorded two such funerals.

Page 2
No. 1
April 1st
Palm Sunday
In M[ale] Academy, Spartanburg C.H. So.Ca.
Catherine Elisabeth
Born, Dec. 6th, 1848
Parents, Wm., & Amelia Irwin
Sponsors, The Parents, & Miss C. Irwin
No. 2
April 22d
2d S[unday] after Easter
In M[ale] Acadeny S[partanburg] C.H. S.C.
Henry Ashford
Born May 25th, 1848 ["May" is written over "April"]
Parents, George
Anne Smith
Sponsors, Clement,
P.F. Stevens,
Mrs. Dr. Kennedy
No. 3
April 22d
2d S. after Easter
In M[ale] Academy S[partanburg] C.H. So. Ca.
Lionel Henry Kennedy
Born Jan 19th, 1849
Parents, Geo. W.H.,
Clementine Legg
Sponsors The mother
On the same occasion
"Recieved(sic.) into the congregation of Xt's flock,"
certified the congregation of the Baptism of Thomas
Alexander, privately [baptized], by Rev. T.J.
Born [blank]
Parents. Wm.
Amelia Irwin
Also certified, as above, the Baptism by the Rev. M.H.
Lane, of Clementina Georgiana
Born Sep. 14th, 1843
Born March 30th 1846
Parents, Geo. W.H., & Clementina Legg
No. 4
April 29th
3d S[unday] after Easter
In Calvary Ch. Glenn Springs, S.C.
Born Dec. 1847
Parents, Lewis & Sucky--my servants
Sponsors, The Parents,
June 29th
Fest[iva1] of St. Peter
In Calvary Ch. Glenn Sp[rings] So. Ca.
John Winsmith--Adult
Witness Maurice A. Moore

Page 3
No. 6
July 22d [1849]
7th S[unday] after Trinity
In Calvary Ch. Glenn Springs S.C.
Selina Eliza
Born April 20th 1840
Parents, Maurice A., & Sophonisba Moore
Sponsors, The Parents, & H.B. M'Collough
Nov. 10th
24th S. after Trinity
In Calvary Ch. Glenn Sp. So. Ca.
Born Feb 1st 1850
Parents, Lewis & Sucky-my servants,
Sponsors, The Parents & myself
No. 8
Feb. 21st
In F[emale] Academy Spartanburg C.H., S.C.
Nancy Raylin Mills-Adult
Witnesses Misses M. & A. Otterson
No. 9
Feb 21st
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
Mary Susan Mills-Adult
Witnesses Misses M. & A. Otterson
No. 10
Feb 21st
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
Sallie Hattan Otterson-Adult
Witnesses Misses M. & A. Otterson
No. 11
Feb. 21st
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
Melissa Gordon Otterson-Adult
Witnesses Misses M. & A. Otterson
No. 12
Feb. 21st
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
Nancy Susan Otterson Adult
Witnesses Misses M. & A. Otterson
No. 13
May 25th
5th S. after Easter
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
James Maud
Born April 1st 1849
Parents J.M. & E.A. Elford
Sponsors, The Father, J.W. Murphy, Miss C. Hood
No. 14
May 25th
5th S. after Easter
In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
John Blassingame
Born Oct 4th 1850
Parents J.M. & E.A. Elford
Sponsors same as above

Page 4
No. 15
May 25th [1851]
5th S. after Easter
'In F. Academy S.C.H. So. Ca.
Helen Kennedy
Born July 10th 1850
Parents, George
Anne Smith
Sponsors, Dr. L.C. Kennedy, Mrs. H. Kennedy
Miss Mary
No. 16
Sep. 13th
In Chapel of Ch. of the Advent S[partanburg] C.H.
Elizabeth Anavilla Elford-Adult
Witnesses J.M. Elford,
Mrs. M. Murphy
No. 17
In same place as above
Mary Patterson-Adult
Witness Mrs. M. Murphy
No. 18
Sep. 13th
In same place as above
Sarah Ann Elizabeth Wallace, Adult
Witnesses, Mrs. N.R. Mills,
Miss A. Otterson
No. 19
Sep 13th
On a sick bed in Spartanburg So. Ca.
Harriet, adult svt. of Mrs. Kennedy
Witnesses Mrs. M.A.J. Kennedy, Miss Mary Kennedy, Miss
Lionella Kennedy
No. 20
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Residence of Wm. B. Wilson, Yorkville, So. Ca.
Orrah Minerva Wilson-Adult
Witness Wm. B. Wilson
No. 21
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
same place as above
Mary McLure Dunovant-Adult
Witness Wm. B. Wilson
No. 22
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Arrah Adelia
Born April 5th 1842
Parents A.Q.
M.M. Dunovant
Sponsors The mother & Wm. B. Wilson
No. 23
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Born March 20th 1845
Parents A.Q.
M.M. Dunovant
Sponsors Wm. B. Wilson
The mother

Page 5
No. 24
March 21st [1852) 4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Born Nov. 20th 1847
Parents & Sponsors same as above
No. 25
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Susan Avery
Born Feb. 20th 1851
Sponsors same as above
No. 26
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
James McLure Lowry
Witness Wm. B. Wilson
No. 27
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Samuel Cosmore
Born Dec. 23d 1844
Parents James M. & Louisa Lowry
Sponsors, The Parents, & Wm. B. Wilson
No. 28
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Residence of Wm. B. Wilson, Yorkville So. Ca.
Mary Avery
Born March 13th 1846
Parents, James M., & Louisa Lowry
Sponsors, The Parents, & Wm. B. Wilson
No. 29
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
James Ernest
Born Feb. 23d 1849
Parents & Sponsors, same as above
No. 30
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Susan Frances
Born Nov. 18th 1850
Parents & Sponsors, same as above
No. 31
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
William Blackburn born Jan. 12th 1850
Parents, Wm. B., & A.M. Wilson
Sponsors, The Parents
No. 32
March 21st
4th S. in Lent
Same place as above
Susan Lowry
Born Augst 3d 1851
Parents & Sponsors same as above

Page 6
No. 33
Oct. 24th [1852]
In chapel of Ch. of the Advent S[partanburg] C.H.
Mildred Emily Thomson, Adult
Witness Mary S. Mills
No. 34
Nov. 22d
Residence of Dr. Otterson, Limestone Spr. S.C.
Ida Narcissa
Born Sep 24th 1852
Parents H.D.K.
A.A. Cabaniss
Sponsors The Parents,
S.H. Otterson
No. 35
May 31st
Residence of Dr. L.C. Kennedy Spartanburg
Aged about 13 years-a Svt. of George Smith
Sponsor Mrs. H.F. Kennedy
No. 36
May 31st
Same place as above
Margaret Maria child Svt. of Dr. Kennedy
Sponsor same as above
No. 37
May 31st
Same place - as above
James (child, a Svt. of Dr. Kennedy
Sponsor as above
No. 38
May 31st
Same place as above
Caroline (child) Svt. of Dr. Kennedy
Sponsor as above
No. 39
May 31st
Same place as above
Mary Ann (child) Svt. of Dr. K.
Sponsor as above
No. 40
[November 27]
Adv[en]t Sunday
In chapel of Ch. of the Advent Spartanburg S.C.
Eliza Heron
Born Oct. 5th 1853
Parents [Rev.] Jno. D.
H.B. McCollough
Sponsors W.B. Seary, M.S. Hart,
The Mother
No. 41
Easter Day
In Chapel of Ch. of the Advt. S[partanburg] C.H.
Mary Amelia
Born Nov. 21st 1853
Parents J.W.,
C. McLure
Sponsors, The Parents,
Mrs. T.N. Dawkins

Page 7
No. 42
[April 18, 1854]
Easter Tuesday
In Chapel of Ch. of the Adv[en]t S[partanburg] C.H.
Joseph Tooker
Born April 12th 1853
Parents D.D. & H. Rosa
Sponsors, The Father, C. Tooker, Anne Tooker
No. 43
Sep. 25th
In a private house, Spartanburg So. Ca.
Parents E.M.
Jane Broughton
[Editor's Note: The space for the child's name is left
blank in this entry and no sponsors are listed.]
No. 44
Fest. of St. Mark;
In chapel of Ch. of The Advent S.C.H.
Lionella Frederica
Parents, Geo. W.H.,
Clementina S. Legg
Sponsors, D.D. Rosa, Mrs. H.L. Kennedy,
the Mother
No. 45
21st S. after Trinity
Nov. 5th
In St. John's School Chapel S.C.H.
Ralph Kennedy
Born Sep. 1st 1854
Parents, Jason H.,
Jane M. Carson
Sponsors. The Parents
No. 46
Septuagesmia [Sunday]
Feb. 4th
In private House, Spartanburg C.H. So. Ca.
a Servsnt of Mrs. A.J. Kennedy
No. 47
March [blank]
In private House S.C.H.
William Clifford (infant, a servant of Mrs. A.J.
No. 48
April 8th
In Presbyterian M.H. Unionville s.C.
Lilias K.
Born [blank]
Parents John
Rachel Flannigan
Sponsors. [blank]
No. 49
July 8th
In Presbyterian M.H. Unionville S.C.
Born May 10th, 1855 [?]
Parents, J.W.,
C. McLure
Sponsors. The Parents & Mrs. E. (Latshaw?)
No. 50
Aug. 5th
9th S. After Trinity
In St. John's School Chapel
Ella Rosa Chaplin-Adult
Sponsors J.D.
H.B. McCollough

Page 8
No. 51
Augst [blank]
In private House in Spartanburg Dist.
Born Feb. 12th 1852
[Born] April 24th 1854
Parents Dr. Jno. L. & Mrs. Nowell
Sponsors The Parents & Dr. L.C. Kennedy
No. 54
March 9th
5th S. in Lent
In private house S.C.H. So. Ca.
Isaac Mason (Infant)
Parents--Servants of J.H. Carson
No. 55
March 11th
In private house S.C.H. So. Ca.
Emma Jane
Born Feb. 8th 1856.
Parents E.M. & J.M. Broughton
No. 56
June 29th
6th S. after Trinity
In St. John's School Chapel S.C.H.
Stephen (Infant)
Parents Servants of Dr. L.C. Kennedy
Sponsor Mrs. L.C. Kennedy
No. 57
[No date given]
In private house S.C.H. So. Ca.
Elisabeth (Infant)
Parents Geo. & Anne Smith
No. 58
March 22d.
4th S. in Lent
In St. John's Church Winsboro So. Ca.
Palmer couturier
Born Sep. 27th 1856
Parents Dr. T., & Mrs. S. Robertson
Sponsors The Parents. & Mrs. S. Couturier
No. 59
April 25th
Fest. of St. Mark
In St. John's, Ch. Winnsboro
Jane Ball
Born Dec. 27th 1856
Parents, Rev. J. & Mrs. J. Obear
Sponsors, The Parents,
Mrs. M. Pocher
No. 60
April 26th
2d S. After Easter
In St. Stephen's Ch. Ridgeway
Melinda Gertrude
Born July 21st [18]56
Parents, Dr. J.R. & Mrs. H. Palmer
Sponsors, The Parents, & Miss C. Palmer

Page 9
No. 61
July 24th [1857]
In St. John's Ch. Winsboro
Elvira Elisabeth (Rebb.) Adult
Witness, Mrs. H.B. McCollough
No. 62
Aug. 1st
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
John Dargan Strother, Adult
Witnesses, Rev. J. Obear,
Miss M. Dunovant
No. 63
Augst 1st
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Catherine Leslie Strother, Adult
Witnesses, Rev. J. Obear, & Miss M. Dunovant
No. 64
same time & place
Mary Pope Strother--Adult
Witnesses, same as above
No. 65
same time & place
Harriet Helen Oneal Strother, Adult
Witnesses, same as above
No. 66
Sep. 20th
15th S. after Trinity
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Mary Stark
Born July 30th 1857
Parents, [Rev.] J.D.
H.B. McCollough
Sponsors, Rev. P.J. Shands, Mrs. J.R. Thomson, Miss
C.M. Reid
No. 67
Oct. 11th
18th S. after Trinity
In St. Stephen's ch., Ridgeway
Adult, Svt. of E.G. Palmer
No. 68
same time & place
Adult, Svt. of E.G. Palmer
No. 69
same time & place
Adult, Svt. of E.G. Palmer
No. 70
Oct. 14th
In private house, Winnsboro
John Woodward
Born May 10th 1857
Parents, Dr. W.W., & Mrs. M. Aiken
No. 71
Nov. 1st
Fest. of All Saints
In private House--Roseland
Martha Dwight
Born, Oct. 1857

Page 10
Parents, Rev. J.J., & Mrs. E. Roberts
Sponsors, [blank]
No. 72
Feb. 17th
Ash Wednesday
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Anna Margaret Chaplin, Adult.
Witness, Mrs. E. E. Rabb
No. 73
April 18th
2nd S. after Easter
In place of worship at Roseland
Adult--Svt. of T. S. Dubose
Wi tnesses, Claus,
" "
No. 74
April 18th
Same place
Svt. of T. S. Dubose
No. 75
Daphine, Born Oct. 1857,
" "
No. 76
January Age about 1 yr.
" "
No. 77
" "
No. 78
"about 1 yr
4 months
No. 79
willis Age about 2 yrs.
Svt. of T. S. Dubose
No. 80
No. 81
1 yr
" "
No. 82
James "
1 yr
" "
No. 83
1 yr
" "
No. 84
3 yrs
" "
No. 85
2 yrs
No. 86
Boston born in Aug 1857,
" "
No. 87
" "
Sponsors for all the above
Claus, Job, Sucky, Svts
No. 88
April 25th
3d S. after Easter
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Henrietta aged about 7 years
No. 89
Mary Ellen "
" 6 "
No. 90
No. 91
" 3 "
The above children of a Servant of Mrs. Cummings--who
acted as Sponsor
No. 92
May 1st Fest. of St. Phillip
St. J[ames]
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Born [blank]
Parents, Dr. W. W. & Mrs. M. Aiken
Sponsors, D. Wyatt Aikin(sic.), Mrs. H. K. Aiken
On the same occasion, "recieve[d] into the congregation
of xt's [i Ia. Christ's] flock",
certified the congre-
gation of-the Baptism of John Woodward done by me, Oct.
14th 1857. The same Sponsors, as above[.]

Page 11
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 2 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VI, December 1988
Continued from Vol. VI, No.3
No. 93
May 2d [1858]
4th S. after Easter
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Frances Couturier
Born Nov 15th 1857.
Parents, Dr. T., & Mrs. S. Robertson
Sponsors., Mrs. S. Couturier, & Miss R. Couturier
No. 94
July 11th
6th S. after Trinity
In private house "MOUNT HOPE" near Ridgeway
Charlotte Henrietta Couturier
B. Feb. 2d 1858.
Parents, Dr. & Mrs. Jno. P. Thomas
Sponsors, John Thomas Jr. & wife, & Emily Thomas
No. 95
Aug. 8th
10th S. after Trinity
In place of worship at Mr. Palmer's
Sancho child
Svt. of E. G. Palmer
No. 96
Elsy "
Sponsors, Romeo, Johnny & Lina
No. 97
Sep. 3d
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
Theodore Marion
Born Aug 1st 1858
Parents, Dr. & Mrs Neely Dubose
Sponsors, The Father, W.P. Dubose, Mrs. S. Gaillard
No. 98
Sep. 3d
Same place.
Martha Dwight
Born Aug 3d 1858
Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell
Sponsors, Wm. M. Dwight, Miss M. Murden (Munden?)
No. 99
Dec. 5th
2d S. in Advt.
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
John Hrabouski
Born March 11th 1857.
Parents. Dr. Jno. H. & Mrs. J. R. Thomson
Sponsors. J.D.,
H.B[.] McCollough, [blank]
No. 100 Dec. 5th
2d S. in Advt.
Same place
Eleanor Sabb
Born May 22d 1858
Parents same as above
Sponsors, Charles Thomson, Emma Thomson & Mrs. E. Taber
No. 101 Dec 26th
Fest. of St. Stephen
In St. John's ch. Winsboro
age about 6 yrs
Svt. of Mr Shirley
No. 102 Christopher Davis " " 2 "
" "
No. 103 Eliza Jane
" " 6 months

Page 12
Children of Willis the Sexton, who with the mother act-
ed as Sponsors.
No. 104 an omission
July 25th Fest. of St. James
In chapel of Ch. of Advt. Spartanburg
John S Rowland Thomson, Adult
Witnesses, J. M. Elford, Mrs. M. S. Cureton
No. 105 further omission
Feb. 2d
Fest. of Purifiation
Residence of D. Johnson, Union Dist.
Born Jan. 26th 1847.
No. 106 Penelope
" " 4th 1849.
No. 107 Elisabeth " Dec. 3d 1850.
No. 108 Mary Eliza " Oct. 14th 1855.
Parents Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson
Sponsors, The Parents & Mrs. P. Wharton
No. 109 omission in 1857
Sep. 8th
In Presbyterian M.H. Unionville S.C.
Frances Buford
Born Feb. 3d 1857.
Parents J.W., & C. McLure
Sponsors The parents, & Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
No. 110 April 26th
At Mr. D. Johnson['s] near Cedar Bluff
Born Feb. 17th 1859.
Parents D. & F. Johnson
Sponsors. The Parents & Mrs. Wharton
No. III June 5th
S. after Ascension
In Male Academy. Unionville
Thomas Dawkins
Born Oct. 19th 1858
Parents J.W. & C. McLure
Sponsors Parents & Col. T.N. Dawkins
No. 112 July 11th
3d S. after Trinity
In S.S. room Ch of The Advt. S.C.H.
Henry Dennison
Born March 31st 1858
Parents. Wm. & Amelia Irwin
Sponsors. Parents
& Miss M. McBee.
No. 113 Oct. 23d
18th S. after Trinity
In Ch of The Nativity
Born Sep. 21st 1859.
Parents. [Rev.] J.D. & H.B. McCollough

Page 13
Sponsors E. (N. or A.) Wagner, Mrs. Dawkins, Miss M.
No. 114 Feb. 26th
1st S. in Lent
In The Ch. of the Nativity, Unionville
Florence Elizabeth, Born Sep. 9th 1856
No. 115 Lemuel Ford
" Aug. 6th " [as is in original]
Children of Peter & Sally, Svts. of Col T.N. Dawkins
Sponsors. Col. & Mrs. Dawkins
No. 116 Same time & place
Barry Lewis, Born Jan 27th 1860
Parents Ralph, & Mary, a Svt. of Col T.N. Dawkins
Sponors Col. & Mrs. Dawkins
No. 117 March 14th
In private house
Florence Rebecca
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Peek.
On a death bed.
No. 118 March 18th
Easter day
In Ch. of The Nativity, Unionville
Hugh Sumpter
Parents. J.W. McLure & Wife
Sponsors. The Parents & Jas McLure
No. 119 Oct. 6th
19th S. after Trinity
In chapel of Ch. of The Advent, Spartanburg
Mary Cornelia (Baker) Adult
Witnesses Wm., & Amelia Irwin.
No. 120 Oct. 13th
20th S. after Trinity
In Ch. of The Nativity Unionville
Mary Lewis (Noland)
Witness Mrs. M.J. Gage.
No. 121 Oct. 13th
20th S. after Trinity
In ch. of The Nativity Unionville
Edward Heron
Born Sep. 1st 1861
Parents [Rev.] J.D., & H.B., McCollough
Sponsors Wm Irwin, J.L. McCollough, Mrs. Dr. Gage
Nov. 25th
In private
No. 122 Mary Emily
) Twins
No. 123 & Julia Isabel )
Sep. 26th A.D. 1861.
Parents D. & F. Johnson
To be continued.

Page 14
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 3 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VII, March 1990
Continued from Vol. VI, No.4
July 6th
3d S. after Trinity
Court House (temporary place of worship) Spartanburg
No. 124 Sally Wilds
Born Nov. 11th 1858.
No. 125 Eliza Lockwood
" May 28th 1862.
Parents F.
S. Gillespie
Sponsors The Parents, Wm. Irwin & Miss L. Kennedy
Sep. 14th
13th S. after Trinity
In "Ch. of The Nativity" Unionville
No. 126 Fanny Joiner
Born [blank)
No. 127 George Coates
" [blank)
Parents Jno.
Rachel Flannigan Sponsors
The mother, E. Heron, [blank]
Dec. 28th
Fest. of The Holy Innocents
In Ch. of The Nativity Unionville
No. 128 John Henry
aged about 11 yrs.
" 129 Sarah Ann
8 "
" 130 Ryle Benson
3 "
" 131 Francis Marion
8 months
" 132 Lucy Adelaide
6 years
Children of Candace, Svts. of Col. T.N. Dawkins
Sponsor Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
Same time
No. 133 James Oglethorpe
aged about 3 years
" 134 Henry Floyd
Children of Isaac & Margaret, Svts. of Col. T.N.
Sponsor Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
Dec. 28th
Fest. of The Holy Innocents,
In ch. of The Nativity Unionville,
No. 135 Joseph
aged about 3 years.
child of Rhoda, Svt. of Col. T.N. Dawkins
Sponsor Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
Same time & place
No. 136 Charles Witherspoon
aged about 6 months
Parents Ralph, & Marya Svt. of Col. T.N. Dawkins
Sponsor Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
April 6th
Monday in Easter Week,
In ch. of Nativity Unionville,
No. 137 Lucy Lewis
Born Nov. 20th 1862
Parents J.H., & J.M. Carson

Page 15
Sponsors J.M. Carson, H.B. McCollough & The mother
Same time & place,
"Received into the congregation of Xt's flock",
& certified the Baptism of
Jane Moore
privately by Rev. C.F. Jones
Born September 9th 1858.
Parents & Sponsorsl same as above
May 8th [1863]
In private house
No. 138 Charles William
Born April 28th 1863
Recd into the Congregation Xmas. 1863.
Parents. C.W. & M. Boyd
Sponsors. [blank]
May 24th
In ch. of The Nativity
No. 139 Arsinor Elise
Born Nov. 14th 1862
Parents. Dr. P.B. & Mrs. A. Butler
Sponsors. The Parents & Miss C.M. Reid
May 24th
In ch. of The Nativity Unionville
No. 140 Joseph Gist; Born [blank]
" 141 Robert McBeth
[blank] Parents
[blank] & Mary Elliott Sponsor
The Mother
July 27th
On Plantation of Col. T.N. Dawkinsl Union Dist
No. 142 Baylis Adult
Witness Mrs. Dawkins
Same time & place
No. 143 William
Born Dec. 30th 1862
Parent Rhoda (Svt. of Col. Dawkins[)]
Sponsor Mrs. T.N. Dawkins
July 28th
At Residence of J.W. NcLurel Union Dist.
No. 144 Ben
) Twins-age about 12 yrs
" 145 Hannah)
146 Rudolph
" 8 yrs.
Children of Elizal Svt. of J.W. McLure
" 147 Newton, Aged, about 12 yrs
Child of Susan; Svt. of J.W. McLure
" 148 David
Aged about 12 yrs.
" 149 Nimrod
150 Emily
Children of Nelly, Svt. J.W.M.
" 151 Henry Anderson
Aged about 12 yrs

Page 16
" 152 pierce
" "
" 153 Alexander
" "
" 154 Margaret Susanna " "
Children of Lucinda, Svt. of J.W.M.
" 155 Rachel ) Twins-Aged about 10 yrs.
" 156 Adolphus)
" 157 Martha
" " 7 "
" 158 Jerry
" 4 "
Children of Louisa
No. 159 Augst. 16th [1863];
11th S. after Trinity
In Court House, Spartanburg
Mary Frances (Thomson) Adult
Witnesses--Mrs. H., & J.S.R.
No. 160 Augst. 22d.
In Ch. of The Nativity, Unionville
Charles Scott (Baker) Adult
Witness Miss M.C. Baker
Augst. 23d
No. 161 In Ch. of The Nativity Unionville
Marian Deas
Born [blank]
Parents [blank]
Sponsors [blank]
Sep. 13th.
15th S. after Trinity
No. 162 John Wesley
Born [blank]
Parents. Peter & Sally, Svts. of Col. T.N. Dawkins
Sponsors. Mrs. T.N. Dawkins, & M.L. poulton
Same time & place
No. 163 Amy Pauline
Born Aug. 25th 1861
Parents 'Sarah
Free coloured
Sponsor The mother & a coloured woman
Sep. 20th
16th S. after Trinity
In Court House Spartanburg
No. 164 Mary Melinda, born April 22d 1863.
Parents, Wm. & Amelia Irwin
Sponsors, The Parents, & Miss M.C. Baker.
Oct. 4th,
18th S. after Trinity
In Court House, Spartanburg
No. 165 Rose Butler
Born July 9th 1863
Parents. Jno. Drayton, & Ellen Ford
Sponsors. The Parents, & Miss Mary C. Lucas
To be continued.

Page 17
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 4 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VII, December 1990
Continued from Vol. VII, No.1
No. 1
H.D. Cabaniss to Aurelia A. Otterson
at Dr. Otterson's- Limestone Springs on Dec. 18th.
No. 2
Nov. 22d
At Dr. Otterson's- Limestone Springs
M.S. McArthur to Mary E. Otterson
No. 3
Augst or July [overwritten] 8th
In Chapel of The Ch. of The Advent
Wm. Jenkins to Mrs. E. Jenkins
No. 4
June 9th
a[t] Col. E.C. Leitner's S.C.H.
Charles D. Snipes to Medora E. Leitner
No. 5
June 21st
At Dr. Otterson's- Limestone Springs
David Froneberger to Sallie H. Otterson
No. 6
Jany. [blank]
At Palmetto House - Spartanburg
Thomas T. Brown to Caroline Blasingame
[Editor's Note: According to the 25 January 1855 issue of the
Carolina Spartan, this marriage took place on Tuesday evening, 23
January 1855. The Spartan also noted that Mr. Brown was "of
Columbia." Evidently, Rev. McCullough forgot to note the proper
date and later could not remember what it was.]
No. 7
August [blank]
Near Wallace's Factory - Spartanburg Dist.
Jno. L. Nowell Jr. to
[Editor's Note: Unfortunately, the editor has failed to find a
newspaper with an account of this marriage in it.]
No. 8
Dec. 11th
At my residence - Spartanburg C.H.
Edward Moore to Phoebe A.D. Miller
Dec. 27th
at Residence of Mr. Lockwood - S.C.H.
Frank Gillespie to Sidney A. Lockwood

Page 18
No. 10
Sep. 3d
At Residence of Captn J.D. Strother Fairfield Dist.
B. Hart Means to Mary P. Strother
No. 11
May 14th
At Residence of Maj. Govan Mills S.C.H.
T.K. Cureton to Mary S. Mills
No. 12
Sep. 20th
At Buckhead, Residence of Mrs. E. Means, Fairfield
Julius Poelnetz to Eliza Heron Means
No. 13
June 30th [Out of order in original.]
At residence of Mrs. Kennedy, Spartanburg
George (Svt. of Mrs. Choice) to
Harriet ( " of Mrs. Kennedy)
No. 14
Augst. 19th
At Dr. Lyles' Residence, Fairfield Dist.
John E. Cain to Sally Lyles
No. 15
October 21st
At residence of Dr. M.A. Moore, near Glenn Sp.
Thos. Sumpter Means. to Selina E. Moore
No. 16
May 5th
At Institute for Mutes - Cedar Springs
Dr. Henry Frost to Sabra Walker
No. 17
Feb. 12th [Out of order in original.]
At Residence of Col. Dawkins, Unionville
Albert to Sophy (Coloured)
No. 18
May 18th
At residence of Mrs. Thomson, Spartanburg C.H.
Hasell Scaife to Mary F. Thomson
No. 19
Oct. 17th
in St. John's church, Rutherfordton, N.C.
Rev. Jno. H. Tillinghast, to Sarah Wilkins
No. 20
Oct. 25th
In The Church of The Advent, Spartanburg.
Thomas W. Nowell, to Mary H. Legg
[End of marriages.]

Page 19
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 5 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VIII, March 1991
Continued from Vol. VII, No.4
June 28th
In Burying ground of Presbyterian M.H. on
Fair Forest-Union District
Mrs. Angelica Nott age 69 yrs.
Jan 28th
In village burying ground Spartanburg,
James Edward Hill aged [blank]
Oct. 23d
In the churchyard of the Advent S[partanburg]
C.H. John Blaasinghame Elford aged 1 year &
19 days
May 21st
Service in Ch. of the Advent-Mary A.E. Ken-
nedy aged 39 yrs. Note-Body taken to St.
Phillips' Ch. (Charleston)
July 21st
In village burying ground S[partanburg] C.H.
John Pickenpack aged about 80 yrs.
August 18th
At Cedar Springs Mrs. C. Simpson aged 68 yrs.
May 25th
A[t] Christ's Ch. Greenville S.C. Isaac Hayne
May 31st
same place Henry Arthur
Infant children of Rev. T.S. Arthur
Oct. 1st
In village burying-ground S[partanburg] C.H.
Elisabeth Smith child of Mr & Mrs Geo. Smith
May 18th
In Calvary ch. yard-Glenn Springs Mrs.
Harriet A. DIVine suppose about 35 yrs. old
April 12th
In burial ground on plantation of T.S. Dubose
Sucky servant of T.S. Dubose aged about 70
Nov. 21st
In burial ground at Buckhead. Robert Thomas
Means aged about 21 years
Nov. 25th
same place Claudia Hart Means aged about 19

Page 20
June 7th
In St. John's Ch.yard Winsboro Palmer
Couturier Robertson aged 1 year & 8 months
Dec. 30th
In private burial ground in St. Matthew's
Parish Harriet Bell Thomson aged 3 yrs., 10
months, 4 days
On premises of Col. T.N. Dawkins
Polly s[er]v[an]t of Col. T.N. Dawkins aged
about 56 years
Feb. 21st
In ch.yard of The Nativity, Unionville
Miss Margaret Glendinning aged
about 30
Aug. 29th
In village Burial ground, Unionville
Aubry Noland (informally, not baptised) aged
20 years
Sep. 6th
In ch.yard of The Nativity, Unionville
Frederica Temple aged __ suppose about 30
Sep. 7th
In ch.yard of The Nativity Unionville
Thomas Dawkins M'Lure aged, 1 year, 10
months, & 17 days
Nov. 24th
In ch.yard of the Nativity Unionville
Clinton Wilson aged 53 years.
March 15th
In private ground, 3 miles from Unionville
Florence R. Peek aged about 12 yrs.
Aug. 7th
In private ground near Spartanburg C.H.
Govan Mills aged [blank]
[Editor's Note: Govan Mills' grave must have been moved because
he is now buried in the cemetery of the Church of the Advent,
Spartanburg. His obituary in the Carolina Spartan issue of
August 7,
stated that Mills was buried in the family
cemetery "near our village."]
Aug. 13th
In village burial ground Unionville
William Perry aged [blank]
Oct. 15th
In village Burial [overwritten on "burying"]
ground Unionville Col. James M. Gadberry
(informally) aged [blank]
To be continued.

Page 21
Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History
The quarterly publication of the Piedmont Historical Society
This installment, 6 of 6, originally appeared in Vol. VIII, June 1991
Continued from Vol. VIII, No.1
BURIALS (cont.)
Dec. 18th
In Ch.yard of the Nativity, Unionville
Jane Perry Butler aged 1 yr, 4 months, 24
Dec. 19th
In Ch.yard of the Nativity, Unionville
Mary Eliza Johnson aged 7 yrs, 2 months, &
5 days
March 31st
In village burial ground Unionville
[written over
Lt. John Kitchens (informally) aged [blank]
May 21st
In Ch.yard of The Nativity, Unionville
Captn. Charles W. Boyd aged [blank]
June 6th
In family burial of the Means, Buckhead,
Fairfield D[istrict]
Mrs. Claudia H. Means aged 59 years
Augst. 10th
In village burying ground, Spartanburg
Miss Henrietta Toomer aged 84 yrs.
Oct. 28th
In the ch-yard of The Nativity, Unionvil
Mrs. [overwritten on "Miss"] Betty Munroe
aged [blank]
Jan 25th
On premises of Col. Dawkins
James Oglethorpe s[er]v[an]t of Col. Dawkins
aged about 5 years
Feb. 18th
On premises of Col. Dawkins
Eve s[er]v[an]t of Mr. J.L. Nowell aged about
45 yrs.
May 18th
In ch.yard of The Nativity, Unionville
Lucy Lewis Carson aged 1 year, 5 months, & 27
May 12th
In village burial ground, Spartanburg
[Out of order
Mrs. Sarah Stevens aged [blank]
in original]
May 28th
In Ch.yard of The Nativity, Unionville
Jane Moore Carson aged 5 yrs & 7 months
June --
On premises of Col. Dawkins
Charley s[er]v[an]t of J.L. Nowell aged about

Page 22
2 yrs.
July 4th
On premises of Col. Dawkins
Peter s[er]v[an]t of J.L. Nowell aged about 3
August 18th
On premises of Col. Dawkins
[blank] s[er]v[an]t of Mrs. B1anger aged
June 13th
In ch-yard of the Nativity, Unionville
Jason H. Carson aged 50 yrs. & 7 months.
Feb. 17th
On premises of Col. Dawkins
Lewis, my servant.
Aged, about 55 years.
[No date]
In ch.yard of the Nativity Unionville
John M. Carson aged 20 yrs & 5 months
[End of burials.]