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Piedmont Historical Society
PO Box 487
Lyman, SC 29365





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The Piedmont Historical Society would like to include in future quarterlies a list of

surnames being researched by members. This list should include information about the

researching member so contacts can be made. If you would like for your name and list

of surnames/persons you are researching to be included in our publication, please

complete the following. We must have your signature of consent for publication of your

name and information before we can include your list. As you complete the form below,

please include only the information you wish us to publish


Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________________

Telephone:__________________________________ Email:__________________________________

NAMES RESEARCHED (please print-limit to 10 names)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Signature of consent to publish:_______________________________________________________

Print name:____________________________________________________________________________

Please send queries and articles for consideration for publication to:
Dr. James L. Reid